复刻弗赖堡大学毕业证,Freiburg University Diploma

复刻弗赖堡大学毕业证,Freiburg University Diploma,

Origin of the school name: The full name of the University of Freiburg, Albert-Ludwigs-Universitä

复刻弗赖堡大学毕业证,Freiburg University Diploma,


复刻弗赖堡大学毕业证,Freiburg University Diploma

外文名:Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg(

简 称:弗莱堡大学




文件类型:JPEG 图像 (.jpg)







校名由来:弗莱堡大学的全称Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg,顾名思义,是为了纪念对学校发展至关重要的两位历史人物--Albert与Ludwig。Albert指的是奥地利大公阿尔伯特六世(英文:Archduke Albert VI;德文:Albrecht VI),他是弗莱堡大学的最初创建者,为弗莱堡大学提供了土地和资金;Ludwig指的是巴登大公路德维希一世(Ludwig I, Grand Duke of Baden)。1806年,弗莱堡成为了巴登大公的领地(Großherzogtum Baden)。当时的巴登大公--卡尔(Karl)与卡尔·弗里德里希(Karl Friedrich)--认为,他们无法同时担负两所大学(另一所是创建于1386年的海德堡大学)的开支。弗莱堡大学因此一度陷入停办的危机。到1818年,巴登大公路德维希一世主政,弗莱堡大学才得到了足够的资金以继续开办。至此以后,弗莱堡大学获得了如今的名称。

校训:真理使人自由(Die Wahrheit wird euch frei machen!)

学位:本科, 硕士,博士学生人数 : 22992人(2011-12冬季学期,女性学生比例52.6%,学校提供多种学位课程,基础科学专业都开设师范课程,2014-2015冬季学期选择师范课程的学生人数排名全校第四)




Chinese name: University of Freiburg

Foreign name: Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (

Abbreviation: University of Freiburg

Founded: 1457

Material number: 2022071922

Nature of running a school: public university

File type: JPEG image (.jpg)

Image classification: University of Freiburg diploma sample

Certificate anti-counterfeiting: chapter

Faculty Profile: School of Economics, School of Law, School of Medicine, School of Theology, School of Mathematics and Physics, etc.

School website: uni-freiburg.de

Ministry of Education Accreditation: Accredited

Certificate upload time: 2022.7.19

Origin of the school name: The full name of the University of Freiburg, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, as the name suggests, is to commemorate two historical figures that are crucial to the development of the school - Albert and Ludwig. Albert refers to Archduke Albert VI of Austria (English: Archduke Albert VI; German: Albrecht VI), who was the original founder of the University of Freiburg and provided land and funds for it; Ludwig refers to It is Ludwig I, Grand Duke of Baden. In 1806, Freiburg became the domain of the Grand Duke of Baden (Großherzogtum Baden). The archdukes of Baden at the time - Karl and Karl Friedrich - thought they could not afford the expenses of two universities (the other being the University of Heidelberg, founded in 1386). As a result, the University of Freiburg was once in a crisis of closure. It was not until 1818, when Dewig I of the Baden Main Road came to power, that the University of Freiburg received sufficient funds to continue its operation. Since then, the University of Freiburg has acquired its current name.

Motto: The truth sets people free (Die Wahrheit wird euch frei machen!)

Degree: Undergraduate, Master, Doctor Number of students: 22992 (2011-12 winter semester, the proportion of female students is 52.6%, the school offers a variety of degree courses, basic science majors all offer normal courses, 2014-2015 winter semester students choose normal courses Number 4 in the school)


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Copyright notice: The University of Freiburg graduation certificate on this site is collected from the Internet and is only for personal learning and communication. The copyright belongs to the original author. Please do not use it for personal and commercial purposes. deal with.




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