波士顿大学毕业证书样本,Boston University diploma sample

Chinese name: Boston University

Boston University is the second oldest private university in the United States with 15 colleges. There are about 30,000 students in the school, half of which are undergraduates and half for graduate students. The proportion of international students ranks first among all universities in the United States. Boston University has a reputation as a student paradise. It is conveniently located in downtown Boston, near the Charles River.

Chinese name: Boston University

Foreign name: Boston University

波士顿大学毕业证书样本,Boston University diploma sample

Abbreviation: BU

Founded: 1839

Material number: 2022071311

Type of school: private university

File type: JPEG image (.jpg)

Image classification: Boston University graduation certificate sample

Certificate anti-counterfeiting: bump bronzing anti-counterfeiting

Faculty Profile: School of Law, School of Engineering, School of Medicine, Kestrom School of Business, etc.

School website:

Ministry of Education Accreditation: Accredited

Certificate upload time: 2022.7.13

Boston University, located in Boston, Massachusetts, is a non-denominational private university. It was founded in Vermont as a Methodist seminary in 1839, moved to Concord, New Hampshire in 1847, Brooklyn, Massachusetts in 1867, and finally to its current campus along the Charles River from 1939 to 1948 .

Boston University is the second oldest private university in the United States with 15 colleges. There are about 30,000 students in the school, half of which are undergraduates and half for graduate students. The proportion of international students ranks first among all universities in the United States. Boston University has a reputation as a student paradise. It is conveniently located in downtown Boston, near the Charles River.

Boston University is located in New England, the birthplace of the American Revolution and the first place where Europeans landed in the New World. There are 56 colleges and universities in this area, including Harvard University, MIT and other famous schools and many professional colleges of music and art. Boston University Boston University is very convenient. You can take the MBTA's public transport system, subway, tram, bus and train, so you don't need to buy another car.

Boston has many historic sites and rich academic resources worth visiting. Boston is a city with the strongest academic atmosphere, the strongest artistic and cultural atmosphere, and an ancient port city. Many well-known artists or cultural workers come from here. Boston University, Boston University, has made countless outstanding students in the bustling city by taking advantage of its geographical location.


Foreign University Graduation Certificate Sample | British University Graduation Certificate Processing | American University Diploma Sample |

Copyright notice: The pictures of the Boston University graduation certificate on this site are collected from the Internet and are only for personal learning and communication. The copyright belongs to the original author. Please do not use it for personal and commercial purposes. .


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