瓦岱勒国际酒店管理学院毕业证图片,Diploma of Vatel International School of Hotel Management


瓦岱勒国际酒店管理学院毕业证图片,Diploma of Vatel International School of Hotel Management,瓦莱国际酒店与旅游管理学院(简称瓦莱)成立于1981年,在美国、法国、加拿大、俄罗斯、瑞士等十几个国家设有校区。其中法国的尼姆,法国的波尔多,瑞士的马蒂尼,英国的伦敦校区[1]都接受留学生。每年,超过1200名来自法国和世界各地的国际学生在沃德尔国际酒店管理学院接受培训。学生中,约60%来自法国和欧盟,其余来自其他国家。在30多年的酒店管理教育生涯中,瓦黛尔在国际酒店、旅游、教育领域获得了众多荣誉和奖项,其适应行业需求的教学方法得到了业界的高度认可。在IFOP(法国最著名的民意调查机构)的民意调查中,沃德尔在欧洲十大酒店管理学院中排名第二,仅次于瑞士洛桑酒店管理学院。瓦莱国际酒店管理学院是许多国际行业组织的成员。学院与国内外各大酒店集团的紧密关系为Valle学生提供了在知名酒店完成带薪实习的机会。


瓦岱勒国际酒店管理学院毕业证图片,Diploma of Vatel International School of Hotel Management



The diploma of Vatel International School of Hotel Management, Diploma of Vatel International School of Hotel Management, Valais International School of Hotel and Tourism Management (Valais for short) was established in 1981 and has ten There are campuses in several countries. Among them, Nimes in France, Bordeaux in France, Martini in Switzerland, and London campus in the United Kingdom [1] all accept international students. Every year, more than 1,200 international students from France and around the world are trained at the Wardle International School of Hotel Management. Of the students, about 60% are from France and the EU, with the rest from other countries. In her more than 30 years of hospitality management education career, Wadel has won numerous honors and awards in the fields of international hospitality, tourism, and education, and her teaching methods adapted to the needs of the industry have been highly recognized by the industry. In a poll by IFOP (France's most famous polling agency), Wardell was ranked second among the top ten hotel management schools in Europe, after the Lausanne School of Hotel Management in Switzerland. Valais International School of Hotel Management is a member of many international industry organisations. The college's close relationship with major hotel groups at home and abroad provides Valle students with the opportunity to complete paid internships in well-known hotels.


Foreign University Graduation Certificate Sample | British University Graduation Certificate Processing | American University Diploma Sample |

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