复刻(OU)俄克拉荷马大学毕业证,University of Oklahoma Diploma

Chinese name: University of Oklahoma

by The Princeton Review, with about 30,000 students and more than 2,000 full-time faculty members. The University of Oklahoma is also famous for law, architecture, business, meteorology, education, and medicine. The undergraduate education of the business school ranks in the top 50, and the international trade major ranks in the top 15. Education ranks 46th, and the Master of Education ranks in the top 10% of the United States. Environmental Sanitation Engineering ranked 47th. The doctoral program in interpersonal communication ranks among the top ten in the United States. The subjects most studied by freshmen are: Business Management (24%), Mass Communication (13%), Engineering (11%), Social Sciences (10%), Education (8%).

Chinese name: University of Oklahoma

Foreign name: The University of Oklahoma

复刻(OU)俄克拉荷马大学毕业证,University of Oklahoma Diploma

Abbreviation: OU

Founded: 1890

Material number: 2022071915

Nature of running a school: public research university

File type: JPEG image (.jpg)

Image Category: University of Oklahoma Graduation Certificate Sample

Certificate anti-counterfeiting: silver stamping anti-counterfeiting

Faculty Profile: School of Business, School of Arts and Sciences, School of Architecture, School of Education, School of Fine Arts, etc.

School website:

Ministry of Education Accreditation: Accredited

Certificate upload time: 2022.7.19

The University of Oklahoma is a four-year public university (/land-grant) and a well-known comprehensive research university in the United States. The University of Oklahoma was founded in 1890, 17 years before the official establishment of Oklahoma. The University of Oklahoma plays an important role in education, research, culture, health care and other fields. The main academic department of the university is located on the Norman campus, while the university's health science center is located in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City. One of the health centers. In addition, the University's Norman Campus and Health Sciences Center have separate programs at the Schusterman Center in Tulsa, Tulsa. The University of Oklahoma's annual operating capital reaches 1.48 billion US dollars.

The University of Oklahoma spends as much as $11,000 per student per year and has been hailed as a "value university" by The Princeton Review, with about 30,000 students and more than 2,000 full-time faculty members. The University of Oklahoma is also famous for law, architecture, business, meteorology, education, and medicine. The undergraduate education of the business school ranks in the top 50, and the international trade major ranks in the top 15. Education ranks 46th, and the Master of Education ranks in the top 10% of the United States. Environmental Sanitation Engineering ranked 47th. The doctoral program in interpersonal communication ranks among the top ten in the United States. The subjects most studied by freshmen are: Business Management (24%), Mass Communication (13%), Engineering (11%), Social Sciences (10%), Education (8%).

The University of Oklahoma is a university with excellent teaching quality. In order to admit more outstanding students, the school has gradually tightened the admission criteria; on the other hand, it has also determined to develop the "honors program". In addition to awarding bonuses to students with excellent grades, the school has also established an "honors building". , for their accommodation.

The University of Oklahoma has the most National Merit Scholarship recipients among public universities in the United States; in the past two years, the school has 7 people who have won the "Goldwater Scholars" (Goldwater Scholars), ranking in the top ten in the nation's universities, It marks its excellent scientific research level in science and mathematics. The endowment received by the University of Oklahoma has quadrupled in the past 13 years, and it is one of the 25 public universities with the largest endowment in the United States, which fully proves its excellent teaching and research level.

The Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History is one of the two largest university-based natural history museums in the world. --Lightning engraved on the bones of the extinct Northern Oklahoma.

The University of Oklahoma was ranked 101st in the 2013 National University Rankings by U.S. News and World Report. The newly built Energy Center (Energy Center) cost millions of dollars, making petroleum engineering, petroleum land professional management and geology a step forward. Many Middle Eastern countries have specially sent students to study all petroleum-related sciences.


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