不列颠哥伦比亚大学毕业证书图片,University of British Columbia Diploma

The University of British Columbia integrates teaching and research, covering a wide range of fields, offering undergraduate, graduate and some professional courses such as humanities, natural sciences, medicine, law, and business. UBC has a strong faculty, and its teaching and research level is at the leading level in the world. Among the top 50 universities in the world, UBC is one of only two universities in Canada. In addition, UBC University is ranked in the top ten in North America. Among the famous scholars and professors of the school are Robert Mundell, winner of the 1999 Nobel Prize in Economics, and Professor Michael Symes, winner of the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

不列颠哥伦比亚大学毕业证书图片,University of British Columbia Diploma,英属哥伦比亚大学(UBC),原名英属哥伦比亚麦吉尔大学学院或英属哥伦比亚麦吉尔大学学院,与麦吉尔大学、多伦多大学、皇后大学同为加拿大常春藤联盟。它是Universitas 21(国际大学协会)的创始成员之一,在教学和科学研究方面享有国际声誉。学校一开始是研究合作机构,后来逐渐发展成为综合性大学。UBC大学连续多年被加拿大权威杂志《麦克莱恩杂志》评为博士大学综合排名第二名。该大学是加拿大最难申请的大学之一。申请者不仅需要优秀的学习成绩,还需要优秀的课外活动如领导经历、大赛奖项等等。为了选拔犀利的人才,每年有近30%的学生被不同的院系淘汰。


不列颠哥伦比亚大学毕业证书图片,University of British Columbia Diploma




The University of British Columbia (UBC), formerly known as British Columbia McGill University College or British Columbia McGill University College, is part of the Canadian Ivy League with McGill University, University of Toronto, and Queen's University. It is one of the founding members of the Universitas 21 (International University Association) and enjoys international reputation in teaching and scientific research. The school started out as a research cooperative institution and gradually developed into a comprehensive university. UBC University has been rated as the second place in PhD University's comprehensive ranking by the Canadian magazine "McLean Magazine" for many years. The university is one of the hardest universities in Canada to apply for. Applicants not only need excellent academic performance, but also excellent extracurricular activities such as leadership experience, competition awards, and so on. In order to select sharp talents, nearly 30% of students are eliminated by different departments every year.

The University of British Columbia has two main campuses, one is the Vancouver campus, located in the suburbs of Vancouver, Canada's third largest city, only a 30-minute drive from Vancouver. The campus covers an area of ​​400 hectares. With its pleasant climate, long coastline, beautiful ocean and beautiful sandy beaches, it is a must-see for tourists. In addition, the Vancouver campus has some of the most attractive academic and recreational facilities in the city, including the Museum of Anthropology, the Performing Arts Centre, the renowned UBC Botanical Gardens and the Botanical Research Centre.

In addition, the University of British Columbia has two campuses, Robson Square and Great North Road.

The University of British Columbia integrates teaching and research, covering a wide range of fields, offering undergraduate, graduate and some professional courses such as humanities, natural sciences, medicine, law, and business. UBC has a strong faculty, and its teaching and research level is at the leading level in the world. Among the top 50 universities in the world, UBC is one of only two universities in Canada. In addition, UBC University is ranked in the top ten in North America. Among the famous scholars and professors of the school are Robert Mundell, winner of the 1999 Nobel Prize in Economics, and Professor Michael Symes, winner of the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

One of Vancouver's top 10 tourist attractions, UBC's Museum of Anthropology houses the finest collections of arts and crafts from Aboriginal cultures in the entire Northwest Continent. UBC also has one marine biological research station, two research farms, and the world's largest sub -atoms. Also, UBC's computer network is top-notch. It has five central hosts for teaching, research, administration and library. More than 2,000 terminals throughout the school are connected to local, national and international computer networks. Based on the school's strong advantages in various aspects, the school provides students with a lot of practical opportunities, which can well combine theory with practical research.




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