
National Taipei University of technology is located in Da'an District, Taipei City, Taiwan Province, China. The campus covers an area of about 9.3 hectares and is located in the center of Taipei city. There is a subway station nearby, with convenient transportation. The school is abbreviated as North University of science and technology, North University of science and technology or Taipei University of science and technology, and it is abbreviated as NTUT in English. The school was formerly an industrial workshop affiliated to the Ministry of civil affairs, which was founded by the governor's office of Taiwan during the Japanese occupation in 1912. Later, it was transformed into Taiwan Provincial Taipei Polytechnic College in 1948. It has a long history. It is the first science and Technology University in Taiwan with an Industrial Education as its goal, and is famous for its engineering department. It is an important member of the higher education deep cultivation program, the development model University of science and technology program, the Taipei United University System and the MIT Laboratory alliance. Its school of management has been certified by the world-renowned international association of business schools (AACSB). It is a well-known research university in Asia.

台北科技大学(National Taipei University of Technology)位于中国台湾省台北市大安区。校区占地约为9.3公顷,地址位于台北市的市中心,附近有地铁站,交通便利。学校简称北科、北科大或台北科大,英文简称为NTUT。该校前身为日据时期台湾总督府创立于1912年的民政部学务部附属工业讲习所,后于1948年改制成台湾省立台北工业专科学校,历史悠久,是台湾第一间以工业教育为目地的科技大学,以工程科系著名。为高等教育深耕计划、发展典范科技大学计划、台北联合大学系统、麻省理工学院实验室联盟的重要成员。其管理学院通过全球知名的国际商学院协会(AACSB)认证。是一所亚洲知名的研究型大学。

National Taipei University of technology is located in Da'an District, Taipei City, Taiwan Province, China. The campus covers an area of about 9.3 hectares and is located in the center of Taipei city. There is a subway station nearby, with convenient transportation. The school is abbreviated as North University of science and technology, North University of science and technology or Taipei University of science and technology, and it is abbreviated as NTUT in English. The school was formerly an industrial workshop affiliated to the Ministry of civil affairs, which was founded by the governor's office of Taiwan during the Japanese occupation in 1912. Later, it was transformed into Taiwan Provincial Taipei Polytechnic College in 1948. It has a long history. It is the first science and Technology University in Taiwan with an Industrial Education as its goal, and is famous for its engineering department. It is an important member of the higher education deep cultivation program, the development model University of science and technology program, the Taipei United University System and the MIT Laboratory alliance. Its school of management has been certified by the world-renowned international association of business schools (AACSB). It is a well-known research university in Asia.



毕业证样本网创作《国立台北科技大学毕业证实拍,国立台北科技大学硕士学位办理,在国立台北科技大学留学是一番怎样的体验?》发布不易,请尊重! 转转请注明出处:https://www.czyyhgd.com/232466.html

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  • 国立台北科技大学毕业证实拍,国立台北科技大学硕士学位办理,在国立台北科技大学留学是一番怎样的体验?

    National Taipei University of technology is located in Da'an District, Taipei City, Taiwan Province, China. The campus covers an area of about 9.3 hectares and is located in the center of Taipei city. There is a subway station nearby, with convenient transportation. The school is abbreviated as North University of science and technology, North University of science and technology or Taipei University of science and technology, and it is abbreviated as NTUT in English. The school was formerly an industrial workshop affiliated to the Ministry of civil affairs, which was founded by the governor's office of Taiwan during the Japanese occupation in 1912. Later, it was transformed into Taiwan Provincial Taipei Polytechnic College in 1948. It has a long history. It is the first science and Technology University in Taiwan with an Industrial Education as its goal, and is famous for its engineering department. It is an important member of the higher education deep cultivation program, the development model University of science and technology program, the Taipei United University System and the MIT Laboratory alliance. Its school of management has been certified by the world-renowned international association of business schools (AACSB). It is a well-known research university in Asia.

    2022年5月21日 上午7:06