
The University of Sussex is the world's top 1% elite university. The highest ranking over the years is 2010-2011 times higher education world university ranked 8th in the UK, 16th in Europe and 79th in the world. According to the 2018 times higher education ranking, the University of Sussex ranks 22nd in European teaching and 147th in the world comprehensive ranking. In the QS global university discipline ranking in recent years, development studies surpassed Oxford, Cambridge Leili and touha leifo ranked first in the world. The University of Sussex enjoys a high international reputation in the fields of science, social sciences, art and humanities. Anthropology, communication &

萨塞克斯大学(University of Sussex),成立于1961年,位于英国东萨塞克斯郡最具活力的海滩城市布莱顿附近,是英国唯一一所整体坐落在国家公园的大学,具体位于风景秀丽的南唐斯国家公园的边缘。
萨塞克斯大学是世界前1%的精英大学。历年最高排名为2010-2011年TIMES高等教育世界大学排名英国第8位,欧洲第16位和世界第79位。根据2018年TIMES高等教育排名,萨塞克斯大学在欧洲教学排名第22位,世界综合排名第147位。在近几年的QS全球大学学科排名中,发展学( Development Studies)超越牛津,剑桥徠洎,頭哈樤佛位列全球第一。萨塞克斯大学在科学、社会科学、艺术和人文科学领域享有极高的国际声誉。人类学(Anthropology)、传播与媒体研究(Communication & Media Studies)、英语语言文学(English Language and Literature)、地理学(Geography)、历史学(History)、政治学(Politics)、社会学(Sociology)7个学科位列全球前一百。

The University of Sussex, founded in 1961, is located near Brighton, the most dynamic beach city in East Sussex, UK. It is the only university in the UK that is located in the National Park as a whole, specifically on the edge of the beautiful South Downs National Park.


The University of Sussex is the world's top 1% elite university. The highest ranking over the years is 2010-2011 times higher education world university ranked 8th in the UK, 16th in Europe and 79th in the world. According to the 2018 times higher education ranking, the University of Sussex ranks 22nd in European teaching and 147th in the world comprehensive ranking. In the QS global university discipline ranking in recent years, development studies surpassed Oxford, Cambridge Leili and touha leifo ranked first in the world. The University of Sussex enjoys a high international reputation in the fields of science, social sciences, art and humanities. Anthropology, communication & Media Studies, English language and literature, geography, history, politics and sociology are among the top 100 disciplines in the world.

Since its establishment, Sussex University has given birth to five Nobel laureates.

Many outstanding alumni came out of the University of Sussex, including Ian McEwan (one of the most influential writers in British Literature), Zhang Xin (co-founder of SOHO China), Mbeki (president of the Republic of South Africa), etc.

In 2018, due to the four-year protests of students, Saskatchewan University invested all its funds and investments in fossil energy in other fields to protect the environment.

The school has more than 17000 students, including about a quarter of graduate students and 24% of overseas students. Students and employees come from more than 120 countries in the world.

The University of Sussex ranks 246th in the 2020qs world university rankings.


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  • 萨塞克斯大学学位证实拍,萨塞克斯大学学位证办理

    The University of Sussex is the world's top 1% elite university. The highest ranking over the years is 2010-2011 times higher education world university ranked 8th in the UK, 16th in Europe and 79th in the world. According to the 2018 times higher education ranking, the University of Sussex ranks 22nd in European teaching and 147th in the world comprehensive ranking. In the QS global university discipline ranking in recent years, development studies surpassed Oxford, Cambridge Leili and touha leifo ranked first in the world. The University of Sussex enjoys a high international reputation in the fields of science, social sciences, art and humanities. Anthropology, communication &

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