复刻(INSEEC)英赛克高等商学院毕业证,Inseec Diploma

复刻(INSEEC)英赛克高等商学院毕业证,Inseec Diploma

Insec高等商学院(Higher Business School),法国高等经济和商业研究学院的一个集团,1975年在波尔多首次创建,后于1983年在巴黎成立,名称为“

复刻(INSEEC)英赛克高等商学院毕业证,Inseec Diploma


复刻(INSEEC)英赛克高等商学院毕业证,Inseec Diploma

外文名:Institut des Hautes Etudes Economiques et Commerciales





文件类型:JPEG 图像 (.jpg)







Insec(Institut des Hautes Etudes Economiques et Commerce)——Insec高等商学院(Higher Business School),法国高等经济和商业研究学院的一个集团,1975年在波尔多首次创建,后于1983年在巴黎成立,名称为“高等经济和商业研究学院”(常用法语缩写Insec它代表了管理学院培养经营管理人才的一种新模式。如今的HEC在全球9个城市拥有17个校区,包括巴黎、里昂、波尔多、尚贝里、摩纳哥、伦敦、芝加哥、旧金山(在建)、瑞士日内瓦和中国上海。它的教学方法不仅效仿高等商学院和政治学院,还借鉴了心理学和人文科学领域倡导的个人平衡的理念。如今,它是法国最知名的高等商学院,培养商业、经济和管理方面的专业人才,也是法国学生和海外学生向往的最著名的商学院之一。严格的淘汰率也成为了学校的一个角落特色。该学院颁发全国本科、硕士和博士文凭,并且是CGE高等学校会议的成员之一。获得EQUIS、AMBAs、AACSB、EFMD、CVTRUST、UGEI等国际认证。它的文凭得到了世界的认可,也得到中国教育部的认可。请参考中国教育部教育涉外监管信息网推荐的法国大学名单。


在法国GRANDE ECOLE最新排名中,根据全国中小企业调查,INSEEC集团排名第一,今年法国权威商业杂志LE POINT在所有法国精英学院毕业生起薪排名中排名第四。学院的特色是开设多个商务领域的专业课程,课程实力名列前茅。应届毕业生平均年薪37400欧元(2009年)。




Chinese name: INSEEC Business School

Foreign name: Institut des Hautes Etudes Economiques et Commerciales

Abbreviation: INSEEC

Founded: 1975

Material number: 2022071919

Nature of running a school: public university

File type: JPEG image (.jpg)

Image Classification: INSEEC Higher Business School Graduation Certificate Sample

Certificate anti-counterfeiting: bronzing anti-counterfeiting

Faculty Profile: Business School

School website:

Ministry of Education Accreditation: Accredited

Certificate upload time: 2022.7.19

Insec (Institut des Hautes Etudes Economiques et Commerce) - Insec Higher Business School, a group of the French Higher School of Economics and Business Studies, was first established in Bordeaux in 1975 and later in Paris in 1983 under the name of "Higher School of Economics and Business Studies" (commonly abbreviated in French as Insec) represents a new model for the School of Management to train management talents. Today, HEC has 17 campuses in 9 cities around the world, including Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux, and Chambét. Li, Monaco, London, Chicago, San Francisco (under construction), Geneva, Switzerland and Shanghai, China. Its teaching methods are not only modeled after HEC and the School of Political Science, but also on the idea of ​​personal balance promoted in the fields of psychology and humanities. Today , it is the most well-known higher business school in France, cultivating professionals in business, economics and management, and is also one of the most famous business schools that French students and overseas students yearn for. The strict elimination rate has also become a corner feature of the school .The college issues national undergraduate, master's and doctoral diplomas and is a member of the CGE Conference of Higher Schools. It has international accreditations such as EQUIS, AMBAs, AACSB, EFMD, CVTRUST, UGEI, etc. Its diplomas are recognized around the world and are also recognized by Approved by the Chinese Ministry of Education. Please refer to the list of French universities recommended by the Chinese Ministry of Education Education Foreign-related Supervision Information Network.

INSEEC's 45,000 graduates are now spread all over the world and have achieved great success in business, finance, insurance and other fields. Its faculty is strong, consisting of doctors of humanities, philosophers, political scientists, and senior French leaders. The school cooperates with many businesses and institutions to provide students with more practical opportunities than other business schools. INSEEC's partnership with a number of internationally renowned universities provides its students with more opportunities for inter-school exchanges and double degrees. At present, the school has opened a number of majors in the field of business, with about 15,000 students.

In the latest ranking of France's GRANDE ECOLE, according to the national survey of small and medium-sized enterprises, INSEEC Group ranks first, and this year, the French authoritative business magazine LE POINT ranks fourth in the starting salary ranking of all French elite college graduates. The characteristic of the college is to offer professional courses in a number of business fields, and the strength of the courses is among the best. The average annual salary of fresh graduates is 37,400 euros (2009).


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Copyright notice: The INSEEC Higher Business School graduation certificate on this site is collected from the Internet and is only for personal learning and communication. The copyright belongs to the original author. Please do not use it for human and commercial purposes. deal with.




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