
  • 霍普金斯大学毕业证实拍,霍普金斯大学硕士学位办理,在霍普金斯大学时留学是一番怎样的体验?

    Hopkins University has not only the world's top medical school, School of public health and School of international relations, but also its outstanding achievements in bioengineering, space science, social and humanities, economic science, music and art. Johns Hopkins Hospital (jhh), the teaching and research unit of the school of medicine, has been rated as the best hospital in the United States for 21 consecutive years. Its Nietzsche Institute of advanced international studies (SAIS) has trained a large number of outstanding alumni, such as US Secretary of state Albright, Treasury Secretary Geithner, World Bank President eindhoe, Chinese ambassador to the United States Cui Tiankai, Icelandic Prime Minister Harold, Dutch foreign minister kohnde, and Treasury minister Hogwarts. The Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) of the university is the cradle of modern physics talents in the United States. It is also the contractor of the U.S. Department of defense and the ground control center of the Hubble Space Telescope and the James Webb Space Telescope. With the support of the founder of the Morgan consortium, Hopkins gave birth to the first and most prestigious Conservatory of music in the United States. The main campus of Hopkins is located in Baltimore, Maryland, and its sub campus is located in Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States. It has teaching campuses in Nanjing University and Bologna, Italy.
