曼彻斯特大学 毕业证书样本,制作曼彻斯特大学文凭证书

University of Manchester is located in Manchester City, England. It is a top Manchester. Life Sciences, engineering, humanities, economics, sociology, and medicine are the most important. So far, there have been 25 Nobel Prize winners. The John lelanz Library of Manchester is the third largest in the UK, after the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge. The predecessor of the school is Owens college, which was built in 1851. It was upgraded to Manchester University in Victoria in 1880 and officially named Manchester University in 1903. Manchester University is famous for its rigorous teaching and free academic atmosphere. In the 2013 / 14qs world university ranking, it ranked 8th in the UK, 11th in Europe and 33rd in the world. In the ranking of the most favored universities by top employers in 2013-2014 released by high flier research, a research institution specializing in the employment market of university graduates in the UK, Manda ranked second in the UK and the only university that has been ranked in the top 3 in the UK in recent five years.

曼彻斯特大学(University of Manchester)位于英格兰的曼彻斯特市,是一所顶尖大学。以生命科学、工程、人文、经济学、社会学、与医学为最。迄今共产生25位诺贝尔奖得主。曼彻斯特大学的约翰·莱兰兹图书馆藏书规模位居全英大学第三,仅次于牛津大学和剑桥大学。学校前身是建于1851年的欧文斯学院,1880年升格为维克多利亚曼彻斯特大学,1903年被正式命名为曼彻斯特大学。曼大以教学严谨,学术风气自由著称。其在/14QS世界大学排名中,位居英国第8名、欧洲第11名、全球第33名。在英国专门研究大学毕业生就业市场的研究机构High Flier Research发布的2013-2014年最受顶级雇主青睐大学排名中,曼大位居全英第2名,也是近5年唯一一直位居全英前3的大学。
University of Manchester is located in Manchester City, England. It is a top Manchester. Life Sciences, engineering, humanities, economics, sociology, and medicine are the most important. So far, there have been 25 Nobel Prize winners. The John lelanz Library of Manchester is the third largest in the UK, after the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge. The predecessor of the school is Owens college, which was built in 1851. It was upgraded to Manchester University in Victoria in 1880 and officially named Manchester University in 1903. Manchester University is famous for its rigorous teaching and free academic atmosphere. In the 2013 / 14qs world university ranking, it ranked 8th in the UK, 11th in Europe and 33rd in the world. In the ranking of the most favored universities by top employers in 2013-2014 released by high flier research, a research institution specializing in the employment market of university graduates in the UK, Manda ranked second in the UK and the only university that has been ranked in the top 3 in the UK in recent five years.


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  • 曼彻斯特大学 毕业证书样本,制作曼彻斯特大学文凭证书

    University of Manchester is located in Manchester City, England. It is a top Manchester. Life Sciences, engineering, humanities, economics, sociology, and medicine are the most important. So far, there have been 25 Nobel Prize winners. The John lelanz Library of Manchester is the third largest in the UK, after the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge. The predecessor of the school is Owens college, which was built in 1851. It was upgraded to Manchester University in Victoria in 1880 and officially named Manchester University in 1903. Manchester University is famous for its rigorous teaching and free academic atmosphere. In the 2013 / 14qs world university ranking, it ranked 8th in the UK, 11th in Europe and 33rd in the world. In the ranking of the most favored universities by top employers in 2013-2014 released by high flier research, a research institution specializing in the employment market of university graduates in the UK, Manda ranked second in the UK and the only university that has been ranked in the top 3 in the UK in recent five years.

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